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Englisch Wordpower C1/C2 - Vocabulary Building

Dieses Angebot ist abgelaufen.


Are you interested in acquiring a richer language corpus of synonyms, antonyms, false friends, idioms, collocations and more? We will look at ways of learning vocabulary as well as ways of using it. Apractical course for C1/C2 level students who wish to build their word power with the help of various methods and practical exercises to deepen and expand their already extensive vocabulary. Ideal for anyone preparing to take an English C1 or C2 certificate (eg. telc or Cambridge).

telc Englisch i
Sonstiges Merkmal
C1 (Sprachniveau, Oberstufe) i
Fortgeschrittene (Lernzielniveau)


Dieser Kurs wird momentan nicht in Hessen angeboten, sondern in einem anderen Bundesland. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Anbieter.